RE:[转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
以下是引用judy.cao在2007-11-15 17:22:16的发言白石洲--靓仔,进来坐一坐?
回复:[转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
我就是佩服哪些对各种社会现象进行总结的人,比如楼主。回复:[转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
长见识了 :D回复:[转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
哈哈,楼主把深圳丑化了吧?深圳好的地方也蛮多啊回复:[转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
很明显的深圳特色嘛回复:[转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
:@ :T Christmas is coming, not have prepare the gifts for your friends? Tiffany CO will be the nice presents. Tiffany jewelry is your best choice, because tiffany jewellery have so many beautiful kinds of producsts. Like tiffany rings and tiffany necklaces for your love. Tiffany bracelets for your best friends, and tiffany earrings for your family members. So now go to the online-store for your tiffany jewelry.回复: [转载] 深圳街头各个场所最新接头暗号
<P> 原帖由 <B>雪花飘落</B> 于 2007-7-9 22:01:00 发表<BR>东门服装店→→回来~ 回来~ <BR>经典 </P><P> </P>