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wge602 发表于 2012-4-7 08:34:03


je2ars33ey 发表于 2012-4-8 20:47:06

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power-saving shockproof outdoor lighting
if you live in a house, as opposed to an apartment, you will need to install outdoor lighting. now the biggest problem is to make sure that it is safe enough for people and animals. if you use overhead wiring,ron artest kids jersey, you run the risk of the wiring breaking in a high wind and falling to the ground. if you place the wiring underground,lardarius webb jersey authentic:

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, you run the risk that the insulation may get damaged by normal gardening activities, and the electricity may leak out. your pet animals or your children can easily get a nasty shock if they come in contact with the exposed conductor. there is a chance that electrocution may take place. the basic reason is that the normal outdoor lighting system runs on high voltage electricity. you can eliminate any risk of shock or electrocution by installing a low voltage outdoor lighting system.by neddagostino
if you live in a house,matt cullen kids jersey, as opposed to an apartment, you will need to install outdoor lighting. now the biggest problem is to make sure that it is safe enough for people and animals. if you use overhead wiring, you run the risk of the wiring breaking in a high wind and falling to the ground. if you place the wiring underground, you run the risk that the insulation may get damaged by normal gardening activities, and the electricity may leak out. your pet animals or your children can easily get a nasty shock if they come in contact with the exposed conductor. there is a chance that electrocution may take place. the basic reason is that the normal outdoor lighting system runs on high voltage electricity. you can eliminate any risk of shock or electrocution by installing a low voltage outdoor lighting system.
electrical voltage above a 60 - 70 volt threshold is sensible to humans. above 100 volts it becomes dangerous. at just 12 volts,shawn horcoff kids jersey,lardarius webb jersey authentic:

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, low voltage electricity is safe because it cannot cause electrocution. so outdoor lighting systems using low voltage electricity are absolutely safe.
the outdoor lighting system is supplied low voltage electrical power by a transformer that steps down the high voltage of 120 volts from the mains supply to a safe and low 12 volts. some outdoor lighting systems run on dc which means that they can be run even when the mains fails. low voltage lamps are available in the market. you can choose incandescent lamps if you like. but incandescent lamps are very energy-hungry. it is better that you go in for high efficiency lamps like the latest led lamps that have just appeared on the market at affordable rates. led lamps consume just one-fourth of the electricity consumed by incandescent lamps with a comparable light output.
the installation of a modern outdoor lighting system is quite simple, mainly because lethal voltages are not involved. if you are conversant with electricity and electrical circuits, you can manage the installation yourself in an easy one-day job. you don't need any kind of special equipment or tools to install the low voltage system - no insulated gloves and no delicate measuring equipment. be warned, however, that short circuits can still cause fires, so be very careful to use fuses or the modern miniature circuit breakers (mcbs) of appropriate rating at strategic junctures. you can afford to use high quality cable and mcbs because the overall saving you make by implementing this system is much more than the cable cost.
as mentioned before,tim tebow mens jersey, modern outdoor lighting systems are extremely thrifty in operation. an led lamp which gives a light output comparable to an existing lamp, uses just about one-fourth the electrical energy of the latter. that means your electricity bill on account of outdoor lighting is slashed down to a quarter of the normal, month after month,wholesale jerseys cheap, year after year! oh yes, i forgot to mention that led lamps outlast standard incandescent and even fluorescent lamps by a factor of 10 at a minimum. in fact, with led lamps, it is a matter of 'fit and forget',mikko koivu womens jersey! so you save yourself the trouble of replacing lamps ever so often, and usually at the most inconvenient times of all! not replacing lamps means you don't have to maintain an emergency stock of lamps, 'just in case'. more savings.
the wiring for low voltage outdoor lighting need not be buried underground. because the load of led lamps is so low,lardarius webb jersey authentic:

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, the wiring is commensurately light. this means that you can change the wiring around quite easily whenever you feel the need for a change (of outdoor lighting,andrew bynum jersey, that is).  this is a very handy feature when your house has many special features. highlighting them all at once is garish, and that defeats the very definition of highlighting,matt cullen womens jersey! so one month you can highlight the gable roofing, the next month the side elevation, and the colonial columns the following month. the same applies to the landscaping or wooded area around the house.
this primer on low voltage outdoor lighting should encourage you to change over to a modern efficient lighting system for your outdoor lighting needs. you'll save pots of money in electricity bills, take my word for it! more importantly, you'll be 100% free of electrical shock hazard. your householder's insurance cover will benefit too, from the changeover. this means that the value of your house will go up while you are actually saving money. now aren't you glad you read this primer?

平安幸福 发表于 2012-5-2 20:04:14

lixiaoxv 发表于 2011-4-19 15:10 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 1楼 兰泉 的帖子


新工伤保险条例在第五章 工伤保险待遇中规定如下: 经工伤职工本人提出,该职工可以与用人单位解除或者终止劳动关系,由工伤保险基金支付一次性工伤医疗补助金,由用人单位支付一次性伤残就业补助金。一次性工伤医疗补助金和一次性伤残就业补助金的具体标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。


五、工伤职工在终止或者解除劳动关系时,其领取的一次性工伤医疗补助金具体标准为解除或者终止劳动关系时3至18个月的本市上年度职工月平均工资。其中五级18个月,六级15个月,七级12个月,八级9个月,九级6个月,十级3个月。社会保险经办机构根据上述标准进行核定并从工伤保险基金支付给工伤职工。  用人单位应当支付的一次性伤残就业补助金,按上述标准执行。

平安幸福 发表于 2012-5-2 20:05:03


lixiaoxv 发表于 2012-5-4 15:49:31

平安幸福 发表于 2012-5-2 20:04 static/image/common/back.gif
新工伤保险条例在第五章 工伤保险待遇中规定如下: 经工伤职工本人提出,该职工可以与用人单位解除或者 ...


张瑾-226 发表于 2012-7-14 14:19:19

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