resignation noice required (mont
resignation noice required (months):什么意思?
我个人的理解是:要求公司在辞退你时提前通知你的时间,或者是你要提前多久通知公司你要离开公司。 到底是哪种?
公司需要从求职者那儿知道的exactly it should be:
如果我们录取了你,你需要多长时间(月)才能来上班lovely understanding
以下是引用HRGIRL在2004-4-9 17:21:42的发言如果我们录取了你,你需要多长时间(月)才能来上班
resignation notice is totally different from registration notice. the former one is requiring the staff to send a resignation letter to HR department before they decide to resign and leave the company (notice time is subject to contract). by the way, i havent heard about the latter one:) it may be regarding enrollment issue.