[原创] 我要找一个企业的培训案例,谁来帮帮我呢?
这是偶的题目,偶要找个实体企业写一下.哪位大仙帮帮忙提供点信息哈!case analysis:
Select a company located in China. It can be a domestic company or a multinational company. It can be a very large or a small company.
Be sure you can find out information about training in the company.
Part 1: The Background
Describe the company. What does the company do? How many employees are there? What are its strengths? What are its challenges?
Part 2: Training Practices
How does the company train its employees? What employees receive training? Are managers trained? Are there any problems with training? If there are, please describe them.
What are the future training needs?
Part 3: Recommendations
What can this company do to improve its training?
What are your recommendations?
How will you implement this change?
RE:[原创] 我要找一个企业的培训案例,谁来帮帮我呢?
RE:[原创] 我要找一个企业的培训案例,谁来帮帮我呢?
这是我上的training 课程的一个作业.外教要求我们写的.22号前就要交.手头找不着信息,急死偶了!大仙帮忙啊!