大家觉得我的想法对吗?欢迎任何建议意见,谢谢哈:) 作者: nunubobo 时间: 2011-8-4 16:01
既然圈子小,而且签过这样的协议就不应该给,这是做人的道德,说不定是对方对你的试探呢!万一传到别人那里,你以后还怎么在圈子里混作者: 美丽心情~~ 时间: 2011-8-4 16:02
我倒觉得对方是在考验你,也许他们并不是真的想要你的工资明细,而是要看你怎么处理。推断你将来会不会也将他们的工资明细给其他人作者: 依兰观潮 时间: 2011-8-4 16:11
嗯,自己的一点想法,也许不是很实际,但给lz当个参考吧。作者: nunubobo 时间: 2011-8-4 16:19
对方是想调查一下行业福利还是因为不信任你说的话所以才要看工资明细呢?如果是了解,那只要你说说就行了,不需要材料证明吧!如果是不信任你说的话,那这样的公司很难让员工有归属感 作者: 萧然1983 时间: 2011-8-4 16:30
只能说该坚持原则的就要坚持原则,不过最多只能告诉应聘公司大概薪酬范围。作者: 秦快 时间: 2011-8-4 17:10
谢谢楼上几位,我也想过是不是在考验我,不过以前真没碰到过这种情况,收入范围我已经给了,也明说了大家薪酬结构都差不多的,反推一下就八九不离十了。但对方说他们是流程要求,不提供这些情况就发不出Offer来。我觉得很神奇,一个公司会用制度来要求员工违背道德和法律,试想,此公司所有员工都曾经“出卖”(原谅我用这个词)过原公司,这不是很可怕吗。而且己所不欲,勿施于人,难道他们也完全容忍自己的员工向别人透露工资信息吗?我没好意思问。作者: 秦快 时间: 2011-8-4 17:32
Employers have no business asking for your salary history. It’s confidential. It has nothing to do with hiring you. Imagine what they’d say if you asked to see the history of salaries they’ve paid for this job over the past ten years. Or, if you were to ask the manager what his current salary is. Sorry, Mr. Manager, but what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
The excuse employers make is that your past salary helps them determine your experience level, it pegs your value, and it helps them establish a new salary for you.
Hogwash. By that logic, they don’t need to interview you. All they need is your salary history and you’re off to the races. By using the figures other employers have used, they’ll know what their job is worth and what you are worth. And they’ll win the lottery, too. Salary is a judgment of value. It’s incumbent on an employer to figure out what the job he wants done is worth, quite apart from who you are, what you’ve done, or what you’ve been paid before. In the interview, the employer factors in his judgment of how you would contribute to the success of that job.
That’s how an offer should be derived. It shouldn’t matter what you were making at your last job.
Bottom line: when you divulge your salary history, you put yourself in a corner that’s very difficult to negotiate your way out of.
Here are my suggestions about how to deal with the “salary history” problem.
If you must fill out a form, list your salary as CONFIDENTIAL, to be discussed only with the human resource manager. (Alternately, cross out the “salary history” title on the form and replace it with “required salary range”.) If a company insists on your salary history to determine where you’ll fit, they should divulge your boss’s salary so you’ll know where you might “fit” in the future. (Funny how this logic works once you think about it.)
And as for where to write salary exception, it should be strictly on the cover letter.
Any company that rejects a good candidate because he or she refuses to divulge salary history isn’t a very smart company, and certainly not a competitive one.
You will clearly need to make a judgment about each situation as it arises. This need not be an adversarial approach: you’ll find that many managers will respect your position if you present it candidly, then immediately turn the discussion to how you can help the company be more successful and profitable.
Making an issue of salary history does not require being rude or presumptuous. It requires that you be polite and firm.
But, don’t be afraid to make an issue of it if it’s important to you. It may cost you some opportunities, but you’ve got to draw a line for yourself.作者: 芋儿 时间: 2011-8-4 19:45
坚持自己的原则作者: LiuLiu168 时间: 2011-8-4 20:05