
标题: [转载] 这样的英国老板值不值得继续为他干下去?(案例及讨论) [打印本页]

作者: haigui05    时间: 2005-9-6 00:05
标题: [转载] 这样的英国老板值不值得继续为他干下去?(案例及讨论)
海归网www.haiguinet.com Jerry 本人的一个Mba校友xx君,向本人求助。 事情大致如下: xx君于2004年毕业于英国top 5 B-school, 毕业后谋得一税前年薪3万英镑(约合5.4万美元)的职位。职务为国际采购经理。一年来兢兢业业,帮着公司从中国拓展了新的增长点。也打算将一家老小(老婆孩子)办到英国团聚。所有的移民手续已经办妥。 正想着小孩注册学籍,老婆辞去中国工作的事宜。一时好不欢喜!前两天,xx君又收到一家瑞士跨国公司有意候选他为总部董事会助理一职(年薪9万-10万美元,先在瑞士工作2-3年, 然后派回中国常驻,地址为华中一大城市)。xx君大喜。 遂与老婆商量。 老婆曰:折腾了2-3年,办下英国移民,不好半途而废。况且瑞士居留难办,且有语言障碍,小孩上学十分不便。建议xx君长期安家在英国。 老婆大人又建议xx君向老板提加薪的事宜。 (按照xx君的合约,工资每年九月,reviewing pay) 于是xx君向老板提出加薪的请求, 获得以下老板的答复。(见随附的电邮) 老板为英国人(据xx君讲,该老板颇有犹太人之精明,事故,老奸巨滑)在得到老板的答复后,xx君十分苦恼。 特来请教他早毕业几年的学长我。 一时半会儿,我也不知如何是好? 这里藏龙卧虎, 请大家参谋参谋。 多谢了! 下文为老板在8曰29日的回复电邮: XX君: I am confused and disappointed to why you have emailed this to me, this is not very professional. I also find it a little threatening. However, having done so; I too have thought it was time to talk to you on your year in the position and what the future may bring. We will talk it over and will be agreeing an action plan on goals and achievements that need be met by you in the next 6 - 12 months and discussing how this can be tied into a salary increase. Also what you wish to achieve and your goals over this period. I have already spoken with three of the top universities to make sure that we are still offering a competitive package, this we can talk about at our meeting and just to put your mind at rest, your current salary level puts you in the top 10% of similar MBA professionals to you working within Europe with one or more years service. Your current income also puts you in the top 8% of salary earners in the South including London and East England . I'm not sure how you feel you cannot support yourself and your family on this ! It may be an idea that we can talk about a performance related pay scheme to enhance your salary which we can base on our agreed plans and your achievement plans being met. Anyway, I think that we should talk this over rather than do it through emails and I hope that you will take a little longer to consider how to communicate in future. Mike-xx君的老板 ----- Original Message ----- From: xx Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 6:16 PM Subject: Re: reviewing my pay Hi, Mike It has been one year since I moved down to Devon from London. Now I am very happy to be a member of the abc company. Now I am glad to see our business is taking off with your leadership, my hard work and dedicated support from our shareholders' team. Also Paul and Helen joined us on full time basis recently. I believe that our sales revenue will increase by 150-200%, at least, during this coming season. I hope I can further my career as our company grows. As you know, my wife and son have joined me to stay in the UK. I am very happy to have my family reunion after sacrificing two years on studying my MBA in this country. ( However, I feel that my current pay can not support my family in this country on long term basis. I think it is the time to discuss this issue with you. I really appreciate it if you can let me know when we may have a discussion about reviewing my pay. Best Regards xx君

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