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[原创] 可有薪资福利经理的合适人选?最好有外企背景









Rank: 19Rank: 19Rank: 19Rank: 19

签到天数: 5 天


发表于 2006-11-13 09:42:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
公司与前任C—B经理解约了,我得招新人。 公司地点:朝阳区 公司背景:中粮集团与荷兰SHV合资 大型仓储超市 联系方式:jxj@ctamakrobj.com.cn 请在邮件主题注明姓名、应聘岗位、税前薪资期望) 工作内容及任职资格见下: I. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITY The Compensation & Benefits Manager has both strategic and operational roles. Strategic terms would include monitoring Makro’s salary pay policy lines, variable pay and benefits and preparing proposals on how it should be improved to remain competitive in the market and yet controlling personnel costs. Responsible for daily administration of compensation and benefits process. II. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Undertake job evaluations to ensure that the differences in pay between people doing different jobs within Makro are fair and adequately compensated according to Hay methodology in line with Makro Asia policy. 2. Conducts research and analysis of salary rates offered by other targeted organisations and prepares a management report on where Makro stands vis-à-vis the targeted market. Becoming familiar with market’s practices in benefits and presenting proposals to management to adjust existing schemes and introduce new benefits as and when necessary. 3. Facilitate yearly performance appraisals and liaise with Heads of Departments and Store General Managers in annual salary review. 4. Responsible for ensuring that salaries and benefits are administered accurately and efficiently which comply with local government regulation including statutory contribution and labour law development. Monitor cost against budget and signal discrepancy. 5. Works closely with Finance in preparation of year-end bonus payouts and monthly personnel related cost. 6. Conducts internal audit when necessary to ensure that records and procedures are accurate in accordance with Makro’s policies and practices. 7. Work closely with Human Resource team in store levels to ensure the payroll processing is managed accurately and timely. 8. Maintain confidentiality of staff’s salary matters. 9. Ensure deliverable e.g. salary grades, salary survey, annual salary increment proposal report and annual bonus payout report are adhere to. 10. Perform any other tasks not specified herewith as required / instructed by superior / management. EDUCATION University graduate from HR management courses or Finance, or other related discipline CORE COMPETENCIES Interpersonal, self-motivated, decisive, team player, open minded, can work under pressure, firm and pragmatic, has a positive work attitude, honest and has high level of integrity. SHL COMPETENCIES Evaluative, Data Rational, Detail Conscious, Forward Thinking TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES at least 5 years related experience in compensation and benefits management with basic accounting background; good planning skills, knowledge of market practices and trends, strong analytical skill, good communication skills and computer literate
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