儒文 发表于 2003-5-21 19:59:00



learner 发表于 2003-5-22 09:30:00


我email: mmxxxz@163.com

容克 发表于 2003-5-22 11:19:00



learner 发表于 2003-5-22 11:46:00



林曼 发表于 2003-5-30 11:14:00


以下是引用learner在2003-5-22 9:30:18的发言
我email: mmxxxz@163.com

林曼 发表于 2003-5-30 11:15:00



learner 发表于 2003-5-30 16:19:00



儒文 发表于 2003-5-30 21:46:00


Hay Method
This method, first developed by Dr Edward N. Hay in the early 1950s, is essentially concerned with decision making and responsibility.  Guide Charts were created in 1951 in client situations.
Emphasis was placed on answerability for the consequences of decisions, the degree of freedom to take decisions and bring them to fruition, the degree to which there is prime accountability, as compared to shared or contributory accountability in a job.
The Guide-Chart Profile : 4 Critical Observations
        The most significant factor could be grouped as representing the knowledge required to do a job, the kind of thinking needed to solve the problems commonly faced, and the responsibilities assigned.
        Jobs could be ranked not only in the order of importance within the organization, but the distances between the ranks could be determined.
        The factors appeared in certain kinds of patterns that seemed to be inherent to certain kinds of jobs
        The focus of the process of job evaluation must be on the nature and requirements of the job itself, not on the skills or background or characteristics or pay of the job holder.
The Guide-Chart Profile : Hay Method
There are Three Factors with a total of eight elements which determine the value of different jobs.  They are:
        1.  Know-How
        2.  Problem-Solving
        3.  Accountability
The Guide-Chart Profile Method : Know-How
What is Know-How
        Know-How is the total of every kind of skill required for average acceptable job performance. It is knowledge and experience in professional, managerial and human Relations activities necessary to fulfill the job.
        Know-How is measured in depth by eight degrees and in breadth by five degrees

The Guide-Chart Profile Method : Know-How
The three dimensions of Know-How are:
        Practical procedures, specialized techniques and knowledge within occupational fields, commercial functions, and professional or scientific disciplines. This is commonly referred to as the Depth of Know- How.
        Integrating and harmonizing simultaneous achievements of diversified functions within managerial situations occurring in operating, technical, support or administrative fields.  This is referred to as the Breadth of Know-How
        Active, practicing person-to-person skills in work with other people.  This is referred to as the Human Relations Skill.
The Guide-Chart Profile Method : Know-How
Depth Of Know-How
A. Education to post –primary level

儒文 发表于 2003-5-30 21:48:00


B. Practiced in standard work routines and /or use of simple equipment and machines
C. Procedural or systematic efficiency and use of specialized equipment
D. Specialized skill gained by on-the-job experience or through part professional qualification
E. Understanding of theoretical principles normally gained through professional qualification or through a detailed group of involved practices and procedures
F. Seasoned proficiency in a highly specialized field, gained through experience built on theories or a broad and deep understanding of complex practices
G. Mastery of principles, practices and theories gained through wide experience and/or special development
H. Unique command of principles, theories and practices

The Guide-Chart Profile Method : Know-How
Breadth Of Know-How
I.   Non or minimal – Performance or supervision of jobs which have closely specified objectives
II.  Homogeneous – Integration of operations which are homogeneous in nature and objective, and coordination with associated functions
III. Heterogeneous – Integration or coordination of diverse functions or sub-functions in a company; or inter-company coordination of a tactical function
IV. Broad – Integration of the major functions in an operating company; or group-wide coordination of a strategic function affecting policy formation
V.  Total – The management of strategic functions and policy formation
The Guide-Chart Profile Method : Know-How
Human Relations Skills
1. Basic – Ordinary courtesy and effectiveness in dealing with others
2. Important – Understanding and influencing people, important but not over-riding considerations
3. Over-riding – Skills in developing and motivating people are over-riding considerations
The Guide-Chart Profile Method : Know-How
Guide-Chart Profile Method : Problem Solving
What is Problem Solving
        The use of Know-How required by the job to identify, define, and resolve problems.  “You think with what you know.”  This is even true for the most creative work.  The raw material of any thinking is knowledge of facts, principles and means.  For that reason, Problem Solving is measured as a percentage of Know-How.
        Problem Solving has two dimensions:
        The environment in which the thinking takes place
        The challenge presented by the thinking to be done
The Guide-Chart Profile Method – Problem-Solving
Thinking Environment
A. Detailed rules and/or rigid supervision
B. Standard instructions and/or continuous close supervision
C. Well-defined procedures, somewhat diversified and/or supervised

儒文 发表于 2003-5-30 21:50:00


D. Substantially diversified established company procedures, and general supervision
E. Clearly defined company policies, principles and specific objectives under readily available direction
F. Broad policies and objectives, under general direction
G. General policies, principles and goals under guidance
H. Business philosophy and/or principles controlling human affairs
The Guide-Chart Profile Method – Problem-Solving
Thinking Challenge
I.    Repetitive – Identical situations requiring solution by simple choice of things learned
II.   Patterned – Similar situations requiring solution by discriminating choice of things learned
III.  Variable – Differing situations requiring searching, finding and selecting solutions within the area of things learned
IV.  Adaptive – Situations requiring analytical interpretive and/or constructive thinking. Judgment is required
V.   Creative – Novel or non-recurring path-finding situations requiring the development of new concepts and imaginative approaches  
Guide-Chart Profile Method : Accountability
What is Accountability?
        The answerability for action and for the consequences thereof.  It is the measured effect of the job on end results of the organization.  It has three dimensions:
        Freedom to Act - is the extent of personal, procedural, or systematic guidance or control of actions in relation to the primary emphasis of the job
        Job Impact on End Results – is the extent to which job can directly affects actions necessary to produce results within its primary emphasis.
        Magnitude – is the portion of the total organization encompassed by the primary emphasis of the job.  This is usually but not necessarily, reflected by the annual revenue or expense dollars associated with the area in which the job has its primary emphasis.
The Guide-Chart Profile Method - Accountability
Freedom To Act
A. Prescribed – Direct and detailed instructions, and close supervision
B. Controlled – Established work routines and close supervision
C. Standardised – Standardised practices and procedures, general work instructions and supervision of progress and results
D. Generally regulated – Practices and procedures which have clear precedents
E. Directed – Broad practice and procedures covered by functional precedents and policies and managerial direction
F. Oriented Direction – Functional policies and goals, and general managerial direction
G. Senior Guidance – Inherently and primarily to direct top management guidance
H. Ownership Guidance – Only to ownership review and public recreation
The Guide-Chart Profile Method - Accountability
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