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Language Training Market in China









Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3


发表于 2009-4-20 16:23:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Language Training Market in China

$ n" j5 i8 ?3 l0 e* h8 z' b0 J


5 s1 W' _+ P7 k1 p

International Language Industry Players in China

0 x& x2 d* t% u+ E

Wall Street English

8 W. V" G+ @9 X0 `$ m% Q) f

The Wall Street Institute (WSI) was founded by Luigi T. Peccenini in Italy in 1972, and has been franchising its operations since 1990. Since then, its network has expanded to include some 350 training centres in 25 countries, serving over 140 000 students each year. In 1997, WSI was acquired by Sylvan Learning Systems; in 2005, it was acquired by The Carlyle Group, a private equity firm.

& Y5 R8 @( h4 Q* w! U

Wall Street English (WSE), as it is known in China, entered the market in May 2000 and operates a total of 14 branches in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Market intelligence suggests that a major expansion is planned in the near future. WSE can be considered the key international player in the Chinese language training market.

8 D/ x; R& A/ x# N1 g' L

On its China Web site, WSE claims a commitment to opening centres across China within the next five to ten years. The franchises operate as joint ventures with local training organizations and/or "colleges." Currently serving 13 000 students in China, WSE's revenue was expected to reach $30.5 million by the end of 2005. After five years of investing in building its presence and reputation in China, the company is finally expecting to turn a profit this year. WSI's global CEO, Tim Daniels, has stated publicly that he expects China to become WSI's largest single market within three years.

( M4 q7 N) V' J7 S9 }% M

With a marketing tagline of Better English = Better Career, WSE's products are aimed at business people and mature students with little time and higher incomes. The onus for study is placed on the student, which also keeps costs down for WSE. However, younger students are an ever-growing demographic. Professional students come from a variety of backgrounds, most notably in areas focusing on economic development and international business.

0 E7 q& D! A7 P# t- J6 c; x

Visibility, as well as word-of-mouth, advertising, and on-site promotions (e.g. kiosks in subway stations and shopping malls) are key to WSE's marketing strategy in China. On their China Web site, WSE has a "lucky draw" promotion and offers a free English assessment test.

& ^4 M- B2 G, N# R

WSE was also one of the earliest training organizations to leverage opportunities offered by the Olympic Games: in December 2000 the company donated English courses worth RMB10 million ($1.3 million) to the Beijing municipal government for use over a seven-year period. To date, over 30 senior-level officials and some 160 working-level officials from different government entities have participated in the program.

8 B. T. J* G8 X2 j* f( n" `

Similarly, in May 2002, WSE made an in-kind donation worth RMB8 million ($1.1 million) to the Shanghai municipal government for use over an eight-year period. Two hundred and forty senior municipal government officials are expected to participate in the program.

9 C4 p) s) f/ @) ~* ]& H9 h6 k; y) Z

WSE has also used donation-in-kind services as an effective government relations tool. In December 2001, when WSE was having difficulties with its legal registration in China, the institute offered a year-long English training course to eight vice ministers with the support of the Ministry of Education.

3 X% ^" V l8 y) f6 p) v

Market Leader Corporate English Training

1 I! s; w$ Z7 V% y7 J

Market Leader is an international company with a global perspective and workforce. We're diverse, both culturally and geographically.

# Y+ i$ j2 M5 \# d2 V

Founded in 1997, Market Leader Corporate English Training has become the leading provider of corporate online learning and support for corporate business English communication. Market Leader offers a scalable, on-demand solution that helps employees improve their ability to communicate effectively in English and enables companies to succeed in the global marketplace.

6 [ q; c4 s0 W

·         Overview: Part of the Moren Education Group;

9 ^* G3 y4 s& k' b

·         Website: www.market-leader.cn www.market-leader.net.cn

# \; |3 r9 l a: j

·         Call:400-670-9199

. X% c5 G& ], [* R) S/ m

·         Scope: Corporate English Training and education sector investment / management; direct training and training for trainers;

2 y4 U5 {( Q! n9 t) `/ ~: Q

·         Locations: Over 18 branches in cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Ningbo;

) F; V" s' z7 p9 l; q( F

·         Clientele: Corporate and professionals, government officials;

* Y! t6 i+ e) J+ O8 Z5 e3 R6 Z) b

·         Courses: Business English/General English/Tailor-made VIP course;

+ \/ f9 I# c% ^6 d: P$ v

·         Cost: Four month program-RMB7000 ($1004)

2 [: j) h1 E' S. A& w

English First

- d' h+ Z* v' [; o. t' J) A4 V

·         Overview: Established in 1965; now global franchise network with over 400 branches;

6 p2 Y# l f+ c

·         Locations: 100 branches across China, including tier-one cities;

5 i4 w* y! ?. j) p1 S- ]0 x

·         Clientele: Corporate adult, students ages 4-14;

5 }3 L" G6 P9 i7 T1 r3 I

·         Ownership: Founded by a Swede;

/ _) R8 v# v/ r2 p2 a0 E

·         Courses: Oral English, business English, IELTS, travel English;

- w( j& i5 D. r3 Z1 a h4 X

·         Cost: Real English (2 months, twice a week): RMB1700-2100 ($244-$301);

; o) Q7 C- x% o# d. m9 @8 k) u2 C

·         Business English (4 months, twice a week): around RMB5000 ($717); Children's class (6 months, once a week): around RMB3400 ($488).

+ p! k4 m4 m& ?! {6 T

Oxford English

" l8 |: k7 B. y- L) o

·         Overview: Opened in Beijing in 2002;

6 R% F! v- B/ H' G6 M! G

·         Scope: Customized English training for individuals and international businesses;

7 M' B" T0 r" l1 j% W

·         Locations: Beijing and Shanghai;

. l0 S$ p3 l: G. v. i

·         Clientele: Executives;

: z* e# O8 i [; X/ i! D/ W: p

·         Ownership: WFOE loosely affiliated with local partner (U.K.-owned China International Intellectech Corp.);

. Y, Z, K* A6 z, ?( ]$ N$ y

·         Courses: Proprietary system "Linguarama"; Study in China + study in Britain; Skills workshops; "Culture club";

- e6 B" f- r) f% {" S

·         Cost: Unavailable.

* y1 S1 r7 q" i6 u1 U/ t/ y

Northern Consortium (NCUK)

4 V% r/ [7 Z4 o% S& e8 ~& K0 D

·         Overview: Established in 1987, NCUK comprises 11 British universities offering pre-undergraduate and pre-postgraduate courses around the world;

. E; v w. b/ a. q$ y6 s4 f" M

·         Scope: Bridging course for Chinese students who wish to study overseas, main focus on academic English;

5 j1 W6 S! a! G" m) e; c' S

·         Locations: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, and Qingdao;

+ q+ P3 b, ~/ h7 l3 S

·         Clientele: University students;

, y& c( t- [/ L" a4 c% s

·         Ownership: JVs with Chinese educational institutions

/ g4 N4 Q2 v8 k

·         Courses: International foundation year (IFY), pre-Masters program (PMP);

' U" H3 h* `6 e, I: A# O

·         Cost: IFY-Sciences: RMB83 000 ($11 910); Business studies: RMB80 000 ($11 480); PMP-4 months: RMB28 000 ($4018); 8 months: RMB48 000 ($6888); 12 months: RMB68 000 ($9758).

& R1 A( R) d' G2 \1 v% }5 p

Canadian Language Industry Players in China

! \% F# h. v& h' H$ h, H' x$ Z) V

Maple Leaf International School

$ [+ D' `' W% |+ M% m+ X$ k+ u

·         Overview: Dalian Maple Leaf International School was founded in 1995 as a Sino-Canada JV international school;

* o' {. j+ `* W b

·         Scope: A Western educational system in China, providing opportunities to study overseas;

/ I5 P+ J5 A: G8 n5 d# U: Y

·         Locations: Dalian;

. T2 Y1 B! y3 l/ N4 q4 L, b a" v) c

·         Clientele: Primary, junior, senior high school, adult;

; \) B) Y- U; R. Q& A

·         Ownership: JV;

( P# [$ J- B& u2 r5 D: i1 @

·         Courses: Elementary to senior high school;

. O( n3 c4 U( R/ x! m2 J% `

·         Cost: Senior High: $902; Junior High: $6777; Elementary: $5645 (all annual, room and board inclusive).

) E: m; F, T% u& F8 b

Capilano College

. c4 Y3 U4 c" s4 N- r# q7 T# @

·         Overview: Based in Vancouver, British Columbia;

5 J3 m# R& U* ?- r" C+ m

·         Scope: Working with universities in China to allow for student exchanges between Canada and China;

9 Y2 N! Z4 G" t( P" c0 B

·         Locations: Tianjin, Hangzhou, and Harbin;

. r7 e3 C1 d- Q8 i) R

·         Clientele: University students;

' ?1 H8 J7 O, f0 e0 t+ T

·         Ownership: JV;

$ p* [! P8 U# d7 p; G

·         Courses: China-Canada Business Administration (CCBA) Diploma and Transfer Program;

( K# _: e% X1 [' N0 P

·         Cost: RMB52000 ($7457)/year for the Chinese part of the degree curriculum.

3 |0 t( H: }2 z+ v( Q" r

Local Language Industry Players in China

4 d3 e, X& E# q

New Oriental School

% r9 Q7 O$ u4 i$ U1 v

Founded by Yu Minhong in 1993, New Oriental School (NOS) has branches in 20 cities across China, as well as overseas branches in Toronto and Montréal. By the end of 1995, some 20 000 students were registered at NOS. At present, the number of registered students exceeds 800 000. The New Oriental Education & Technology Group, the parent group of NOS, anticipated nearly $101.6 million in revenues in 2005 from training alone. NOS is registered at the Haidian District Education Bureau as a training centre.

# I4 _! v5 A; e* V0 d. y

Following the widely publicized copyright infringement litigation in which ETS, the plaintiff, won significant damages and a public apology, NOS has clearly been trying to revamp its image and re-instate its reputation. This has involved personnel changes and a campaign to hire qualified teachers with experience in the U.S. or Canada.

9 ^3 L* b4 N$ f* y$ Q6 T( Y V6 o7 P

NOS has also expanded its service offerings to include Chinese language training (in Canada), consulting on overseas studies, and publishing / book distribution.

" Z% h- F' H7 s5 v

Over the past ten years, NOS has built up a strong reputation among China's students (although much less so among its educators) by helping students to achieve high scores in the GRE, TOEFL and GMAT examinations through testing-taking techniques rather than actual skill development. However, English has become a growing market for NOS as well.

1 C3 G8 I9 _2 J2 m0 n% w# [" _

Course offerings include test preparation (GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS), English, middle and high school English training, and foreign languages (e.g. Japanese, Korean, French and Spanish).

& g: n# J6 P8 T5 A

New Oriental focuses on short-term English Training and provides overseas education services. Its students mainly consist of those seeking overseas education and those that approach the school for test preparation. NOS primarily uses advertising and word-of-mouth to promote its services.

* j Z2 p/ ~$ i8 L4 p( c

Dell English

4 _: u( y; W( Y: P6 ~' ?5 H

·         Overview: Established in 2001;

( ` z1 ~, R9 B( A$ _+ Y$ g

·         Scope: Primarily oral English;

- P' U- P% Y# O5 X1 ^- J' H

·         Locations: 30 branches in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Hangzhou and Luoyang;

3 f1 P* u) n7 T

·         Clientele: Individuals of all ages;

/ @: c9 ?' b( j9 R4 C% |# J# C

·         Ownership: Private franchise;

1 k( X3 D% X: w+ C8 G3 t

·         Courses: Oral English, test preparation;

l7 f7 m( H3 w3 {

·         Cost: Typically three-month courses. Business English: RMB3800 ($545); oral English: RMB2900 ($416).

7 z, x. w% m% r' X, B2 m, B

Liyang Crazy English

% |7 E( f) H6 l* E1 z8 J1 N

·         Overview: Established in 1995, Guangzhou (HQ);

4 [( A, h! R" p& B! V

·         Scope: Training, teaching, editing, AV production;

3 W, M7 s. e2 J$ l+ o ~# m

·         Locations: 30 branches across China;

; A4 }$ ?1 u* p' a0 h6 v v1 H, w# L

·         Clientele: Young school-age learners;

* w9 G9 M# i7 a% p

·         Ownership: Private franchise;

, j( S7 R0 {+ V+ X4 `

·         Courses: Oral English, certificate English, training camps;

/ C/ L4 j: c) q+ V* R

·         Cost: 12-day summer course: RMB1980 ($284); Weekend course (month): RMB980 ($141).

: L' ~ ]& c ?; w/ |

Beijing Global IELTS School

; B; h9 ^* o9 M: C1 D- I# m$ \

·         Overview: Established 1997 in Beijing, offering a wide range of English courses;

( W/ Z) t( S) o7 d/ ?

·         Scope: Multi-level training for diverse groups;

" } _9 d, y) H8 M5 s2 [

·         Locations: 34 branches across China;

[( i/ D0 _- y/ h: ]

·         Clientele: All ages;

1 T: C; X$ w' K" }7 U7 x) I

·         Ownership: Franchise;

5 c- x0 F" U# v+ Z

·         Courses: Certificate English, business English;

2 e% U" t s; O% O; m

·         Cost: Weekend class (52.5h): RMB880 ($126); business English class (52.5h): RMB1805 ($259).

* r! u: }" R7 X3 b- _9 Q* Q5 V% W

Shi Li English School

! z2 ]( X& Q, F- V9 \ W- G H. b

·         Scope: General English and test preparation;

# x* y- L* k# |8 O, ]7 i

·         Locations: Beijing;

6 x* {6 R# L+ k/ l1 I% n

·         Clientele: Those seeking to improve English skills or study abroad;

- F5 h: ^0 a z9 A2 Q

·         Courses: Certificate English;

, }% x2 I5 E9 a" p! O8 m/ o _9 {

·         Cost: Oral class (8 weeks): RMB890 ($128); Oral class (half month): RMB450 ($64).

8 I: b1 d) S' H7 Z) ^ |8 R

Yanghualianpian (Modern English)

; W, s6 P+ y* |

·         Overview: Established in 1999 through an English instruction television program; first introduced small classes (3-5 students); builds partnerships with businesses e.g. Microsoft, PetroChina;

; _: |2 @0 r" ]# m3 i) ]1 w

·         Scope: Focus on oral English, other multi-level training offered;

. ]' l# X; D% F2 O+ v

·         Locations: Branches in 15 cities across China;

0 D2 j% {; p! s) y2 c1 P

·         Clientele: All ages;

9 V; Q6 H0 R. A2 D

·         Ownership: Franchise;

$ i! j8 l9 R: e9 c6 R& @& k* w ?; M

·         Courses: Oral English, business English, children's English, English Club, VIP English;

& w: v7 a% x3 }0 J7 Q& i+ O

·         Cost: Priced according to class type.

4 }1 K) ]# W6 z0 r! w8 Y* N3 e$ n' T% B4 H

Enjoyed English

2 o, }4 F0 o& r0 M5 @5 j

·         Overview: Established in 1998 in Tianjin;

# D. d7 L+ `7 A7 c

·         Scope: Test preparation;

+ \8 J& a7 Q- l; t* O! f9 Y4 a

·         Locations: Branches in many cities e.g. Beijing, Changsha, Wuhan, Tianjin, and Xi'an;

+ S' \! P% s( A7 E, ~4 ]$ H9 H# E* [2 G& T

·         Clientele: All ages;

& ? S# Z0 E4 H: Q3 Q& Q V6 f) T9 _

·         Courses: Certificate English, primary and high school training courses; renowned for CET 4 and 6 preparatory courses;

4 [' O. o1 Q& ~4 w7 \! g, r# G( v$ q

·         Cost: Reading class (1 month): RMB450 ($65); oral English (20 days): RMB360 ($52).

4 n" F- u5 {; F% K









Rank: 30Rank: 30Rank: 30Rank: 30Rank: 30Rank: 30

签到天数: 8 天




发表于 2009-4-20 19:21:00 |只看该作者

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