- 最后登录
- 2007-2-5
- 注册时间
- 2002-11-14
- 威望
- 0
- 金钱
- 4273
- 贡献
- 19
- 阅读权限
- 70
- 积分
- 4292
- 日志
- 0
- 记录
- 0
- 帖子
- 527
- 主题
- 82
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- 0
- 好友
- 0
该用户从未签到  - 注册时间
- 2002-11-14
- 最后登录
- 2007-2-5
- 积分
- 4292
- 精华
- 0
- 主题
- 82
- 帖子
- 527
Once upon a distant time, people made love by givin g up some part of their bodies to their lovers. Everyon e possessed leather bags into which their mates placed some part of their bodies as they made love. A fingerna il or strand of hair, an eyelash or a bit of skin were commonly exchanged. But it was not uncommon to hear of fingers or ears or a whole arm or leg being slipped int o a bag in moments of great love or great passion. Ther e were even a few stories of lovers who actually climbe d into the leather bags and disappeared, literally swep t away by their emotions.
The donated body parts sometimes rejuvenated miracu lously, the handicap evoked by their love. Of course, t hose who climbed into the leather bags of another never emerged again. It was commonly thought that such people were reborn, perhaps as a family member of their lovers .
In those days the phrases "giving yourself to your lover" and "making sacrifices for love" were taken quit e literally.