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[原创] TTT企业培训师的培训









Rank: 1


发表于 2006-3-31 18:46:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP®- c' |( ~+ v9 Z" z% `6 u% C Over Ten Million People Worldwide Use This Model. D5 l& Q- i9 c* P+ F, f! { A Three-Day Workshop ~ 28-30 April, 2006, Guangzhou & E' h& t, r( t" J* TNick Jamie Arnold – Leadership Master Trainer1 m5 [9 B. ^1 S Leadership For Life Academy President   1 u5 o5 ^$ L; e1 Y8 ?The US Center for Leadership Studies Master Trainer ( Q. `6 } u- j" r. U% Wcreator of Situational Leadership® 7 J5 ~( s b2 `3 C. t0 n2 FInternationally renowned strategist and thought leader in business strategy, marketing, branding, performance management and leadership development + Z3 w0 P6 D, {5 t: X9 _& y • Accelerates leadership development : w; J H7 E, t• Enables and formalizes the influence skills leading up, down, across5 }1 W# ?1 r2 M • Provides framework to attach other leadership training0 C' j8 g6 D. h ]4 y! R1 P: v# Q& A • Accelerates the growth of people and teams7 y1 h: {: ]7 l • Focus on performance while considering attitude & Y/ z, Q6 a+ b5 f% x• Applies to a variety of settings; work, home, and social 8 u1 L1 [; Y0 @2 M, D • Optimizes performance while maintaining positive work environment –maintains balance U/ {, x+ p$ P " Y4 L4 c9 j! j* I2 c/ L# m We are honored to invite you to Join the Classic Leadership Program---Situational Leadership(TTT) ; `5 E+ \* [* u6 Y Those who finish the TTT training and get the certification will specially be invited to join our trainer team for Situational Leadership in our company.; K* O) H1 c, C6 A% f( k! s0 t _( \5 i/ M6 J, G" j ) N9 i4 b8 s8 z+ F$ }. l0 W. ^* e6 P0 e! E5 W8 D 3 Y$ F* l: M4 p+ z' U/ g1 Y " @. S( l- P$ `- U5 H + j1 w% ]. Y2 |/ MDESCRIPTION $ J, M6 K& k( |: v% y& HSituational Leadership®: The Core is named to represent the center, a foundation, or nucleus, from which leaders can derive proper action. The Situational Leadership® Model is an essential tool for assessing the dynamics of the workplace and helping leaders respond in the most effective manner. 6 |0 Y5 }; H0 V* Q: \5 }# EToday’s workplace is characterized by the constant ebb and flow of change. Now, more than ever, responsive leadership is a critical factor in organizational success. To be effective, leaders need to adapt their style to fit a broad range of business and employee situations. This program shows how to do it. ; z3 B1 i, v3 h* DSituational Leadership®: The Core offers a new look at a classic leadership program. It is proven, practical, and has been thoroughly updated to meet today’s business challenges and benefit today’s leaders. / Q2 x6 n. d7 w0 IThe Situational Leadership® Model prescribes a behavior pattern that influences productivity and matches people and tasks. It is based on the varying amounts of direction and support leaders must provide to meet the performance coaching needs of their followers.! p- Q d0 ^0 s Q5 X 8 [8 h0 C7 [4 n5 X! M, UPARTICIPANT MATERIALS 8 G: b5 |( ^! Q7 l9 @+ ^' ~Each participant will receive: / C8 C' _- `) f* ] I' H– Participant Guide X2 r- i, r; b– Participant Binder1 R4 m8 L- @/ ^9 y5 I$ Q5 V – LEAD Self Instrument$ B& D! q( k+ `" B – LEAD Direction Instrument5 v5 u& r0 |0 Z; h – Situational Leadership® Color Model $ T* w9 t& B6 L. W8 J( N! } 8.5” x 11” 2 j9 R) p& g( m0 A; ^– Pocket Reference Guide% e8 w5 K' m4 R9 a0 ] – Certificate of Accomplishment 3 O4 E+ c+ e6 F. U, J) W: V8 l– Trainer Manual' Z) A9 G5 x# B" g' p b4 j – DVD ) a9 y4 `! r9 x' L8 ^+ J' u– Simulator








Rank: 1


发表于 2006-3-31 18:47:00 |只看该作者 |楼主

RE:[原创] TTT企业培训师的培训

Three-DAY WORKSHOP OUTLINE ; @3 P( x- O { L _6 f) c2 j· Introduction " |2 S( o' m1 }Why Leadership?% i; z/ J0 N) @4 s# e4 X Key Performance Areas / K, I& L7 D) J& K0 }Leadership And Management 7 t5 j) Z; l. A3 o& cSuccess And Effectiveness9 |7 ~6 _, [% _ m* k. v( N5 l+ H · Influencing The Performance Of Others 9 F% u* ?5 o A/ L3 o$ ]* xThe Process Of Influence 8 E9 f: c- ]$ MLeadership And Power , d, s. e2 ]+ s2 U( c7 H' S5 c% uDiagnose à Adapt à Communicate V, ]; n$ d7 n& _4 B5 jSurfacing The Real Task+ a9 W" M& u; L0 ?2 g) } · Leadership Self-Assessment7 i' S4 u4 t/ n G: ?1 d · Assessing Criteria For Performance* o- S) X% ?0 }0 K$ }4 t Performance Readiness - G3 S5 O2 F1 a Q5 I, T; fAbility And Willingness * ?; \5 Z! D- ]1 y5 u' yReadiness Hints7 \5 @6 Q0 `3 A2 o; _2 W Determining Readiness Levels & i0 R. r: \0 q9 P% LFour Readiness Levels. q- R6 R! L, F+ c4 t+ R · Leader Behavior ' _: i# c) [! A3 @" B2 JLeadership Styles 5 s2 ]" l9 m8 {) rTask And Relationship Behaviors/ s" q, N" c- T4 c y Four Leadership Styles % Q! ]" G: \7 H· The Situational Leadership® Model" |( N5 h! p# j Matching Readiness Levels And + ?# t0 @/ E) @/ U" |9 RLeadership Styles4 b( N- F% ?4 z# r · Feedback On Your Leadership Style$ S. c- h0 Z- {5 h8 k Primary And Secondary Styles/ a4 Y0 O) [; z6 ?+ F5 T Leadership Style Profiles 9 w, G8 @/ g/ y* `. lStyle Adaptability And Effectiveness : u; u' R/ j( `( S XOver-Leading And Under-Leading 7 f n1 _! { t" V% O) m! x6 UFeedback And Disclosure ( b" M; \( G& z' e, V/ T* V# _· Leader As Catalyst ; w/ `; N& g- K J ^5 y+ \( a3 bThe Regressive Cycle : i# v6 c" V; V. F: i# ~The Development Cycle v9 j4 n' O2 L; G1 p · Situational Leadership® Simulation1 C9 ]- u* M0 q* A7 d Day 3: TTT Program , D0 c+ z; C0 V; i1 D$ U5 L· Trainer Manual Usage' S' S; L8 s/ D2 ]( ~ · License& z0 |9 z& F W3 p* G9 m · Copyright + Intellectual Property5 G' j" k7 w: O · Coaching + Consulting Techniques u8 U0 C+ g1 }7 g0 X9 q% d" ] · Secrets of Effective Sessions 3 B% a: [/ K9 e' b· Individual Presentation Experience5 z+ }( h" q1 D1 ?9 [1 L! e- K · Background to SL 0 t i: N4 e0 i! V· Key Trainer Requirements + Information ( ~. D2 L' l6 p7 lA NEW LOOK AT A CLASSIC LEADERSHIP PROGRAM – Proven, Practical, Thoroughly Updated To Meet Today’s Business Challenges And Benefits Today’s Leaders

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Rank: 1


发表于 2006-3-31 18:48:00 |只看该作者 |楼主

RE:[原创] TTT企业培训师的培训

WORKSHOP LEADER 9 ~2 ~: A6 y, Y/ s& w) NNick Arnold0 f" Z0 U- |7 N+ _) O- F Nicholas J Arnold is President and co-founder of China International Educational Investment Group, Inc. (CIEI) one of China’s leading education, media, management training and consulting groups. A sought after and prominent speaker, Nick is frequently cited in the media. + @ E% [# P4 Y) U% s& r: YNick brings over 20 years of experience in mergers and acquisitions, change management, integrated strategic marketing & branding, business intelligence, senior executive leadership and strategy coaching. Nick is also a recognized master trainer for international training programs and guest MBA professor and faculty member for leadership, branding, e-business strategy and marketing communication. _% _% S0 G% w' nNick has held international and senior management positions with Oracle Corporation, Euro RSCG, Dentsu, Young and Rubicam and GGK as CEO/Managing Director, International Brand Director, Director of Planning, Vice President Europe and Worldwide Director, and has extensive industry experience comprising among others; IBM, Dell, Compaq, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Intel, GM, GE, Hong Kong Bank, Citibank, Prudential, AT&T, and Hong Kong Telecom.& v; g, f+ R: O- | Nick was formerly Senior Director Worldwide Marketing,Oracle CorporationADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS: B: x/ a: W. w% V6 S4 J% O7 k) u Date : 28-30 April,2006 Guangzhou- t- O0 N" |8 T! b+ F% E ' O) \; ?8 z0 k$ L" H1 w) G+ sTime : 9.00 am – 5.30 pm

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Rank: 1


发表于 2006-3-31 18:48:00 |只看该作者 |楼主

RE:[原创] TTT企业培训师的培训

Fee for TTT(3 days):RMB 30,000 per participant/ b; \: v9 v- i1 k (including trainer’s manual, 1 set of trainer's training content with 1VCD, participant manual, pocket reference, Pre-work Self Lead and 360 Degree Online assessment, color model, participant certificate, lunch and tea break, photo of participants)$ V! u8 d# I$ l# M7 G+ G ' U2 Z& k7 a. F+ x7 X Fee for Core(2 days) : RMB 6,880 per participant( x! F2 A5 Z" M2 X! x) s$ Q R (including participant manual, pocket reference, Pre-work Self Lead and 360 Degree Online assessment, color model, participant certificate, lunch and tea break, photo of participants) ; V0 \# @) S8 P, ~" x' d 9 J+ ^( @+ p+ a) `' wRegistration and Payment: Registrations may be made by e-mail or fax but will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. All cheques should be crossed and made payable to Leadership for Life Academy.& e5 z' N; N5 p. u Refund of Fees: Full refund of course fee will be given if written notice of withdrawal is received not less than three weeks before commencement of the workshop. If no such written notice is received, the full course fee will remain payable. # {: [2 Y( E9 ECancellation/Postponement : Leadership For Life Academy reserves the right to cancel or postpone the workshop due to any unforeseen circumstances Z) d/ n% N! V! |( q6 ^3 w8 S( f 3 n# P9 p' J5 r: q3 @- t# DR E G I S T R A T I O N * Z3 ?: ]/ V2 ^8 I- g - Y3 m0 O6 R: { Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mdm/Dr Job Title ; s9 g! w1 }" ]: e % f; ]7 L+ [' `! O, B5 nCompany7 c4 ~ T+ J) o+ T$ } K" J5 G # n2 P, i3 \3 j$ y- [, x" `1 } Address * A7 q3 S% t" F4 ~! } - Y; s, J. |$ B5 ~. D" ? q( Z0 E R$ | / _9 k' j; @. V1 v* z4 O* V* E, e Tel Fax E-mail; N+ d% L/ z: X: G& b1 M ) p2 `& f3 E4 Y0 K! PEnclosed is the cheque number for RMB made payable to LEADERSHIP-FOR-LIFE ACADEMY; m. | u0 [! B, l. q $ S5 l' _( s6 a P( [6 H; g \Contact person if different from participant: $ p( N2 a/ k1 G* u, z : |2 u* h" k+ I ]; j h) G( ?Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mdm/Dr Job Title 8 i: W6 f4 |) ?4 }- q% O. @5 I- A( O7 j1 G& s8 E: I* f& K x Tel Fax E-mail: _* O/ x( W# I* |* b- } 4 t' f4 ? l3 f Leadership For Life Academy " A) U0 U' ^2 C w3 AContact person: T: (020)-3873 0253-807 , [: t, [; V2 ~% k y" l: B4 gwww.situational.com, www.situational.com.cn ( h& f7 A9 J1 w+ X% qE-mail: kentlee@leadership-for-life.com

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