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人力资源管理常用短语英汉对照表& l: C2 ` f. w8 f8 \
* u$ A' E3 z- g) A# Q8 v& IAction learning:行动学习
: e. s! U. ?, B* r0 ~5 |Alternation ranking method:交替排序法
! K' E3 d; c' |% D; s2 a+ uAnnual bonus:年终分红
3 w9 a. d1 O5 y' ?$ `. T# BApplication forms:工作申请表! B1 \0 y9 s1 z
Appraisal interview:评价面试
7 x) g6 c, ?+ p/ g% H9 C+ Y( IAptitudes:资质
3 Y0 U, b( z( A6 M a. WArbitration:仲裁
4 e/ _: j$ K' j) QAttendance incentive plan:参与式激励计划
2 U! U K- ~8 H* C2 Q; d( FAuthority:职权
% C$ Q9 y8 t% qB, m! k t3 |: W# h# m( `7 U: V7 a
Behavior modeling:行为模拟
$ ^1 h% t2 G0 ~5 m" J3 IBehaviorally anchored rating scale (bars):行为锚定等级评价法
. G0 A+ p4 ~7 x% m) O2 XBenchmark job:基准职位
7 p9 x9 {/ q H7 J% iBenefits:福利
. {) T% O5 @0 z5 tBias:个人偏见7 N& L: S# N& k9 m& u1 O9 @6 b
& F% i4 o# \/ j- L* v+ O# RBumping/layoff procedures:工作替换/临时解雇程序7 ^) |& }& f4 f' t+ G
& L! r- j: s* G, r9 m0 q: ~C
+ E" p. F" {1 C7 `8 OCandidate-order error:候选人次序错误2 j& C0 W4 N+ e3 [
Capital accumulation program:资本积累方案, ^; ^ \# u% o0 T8 l
Career anchors:职业锚
( t7 s8 A$ d3 p* YCareer cycle:职业周期
7 `: q5 X: @" M8 d; ?: n5 _; XCareer planning and development:职业规划与职业发展
8 ~. U+ R, o) A0 yCase study method:案例研究方法7 p, a3 y: @5 u! j% ~9 C
Central tendency:居中趋势& @# R6 \7 R- Q: R9 J3 S
. ]9 g6 j# W8 cCivil Rights Act:民权法
5 N/ Q8 N- q1 L/ EClasses:类
6 Y5 A6 H# |' H j; g8 uClassification (or grading) method:归类(或分级)法
, d2 R+ a( ^& u& e* ZCollective bargaining:集体谈判 Z" t2 g u3 v. E. ]
Comparable worth:可比价值) ^: ~8 p2 s; g
Compensable factor:报酬因素! \ [4 ?* u* H: v4 F1 i% g
Computerized forecast:计算机化预测
/ ~) k; u: z, x! {) TContent validity:内容效度, ~- a) d5 r2 Q1 R ? n
Criterion validity:效标效度
5 B- }7 d3 d" f# B9 @ pCritical incident method:关键事件法/ b9 L! K+ @- z% `; s! A
: ~# z9 M: @# N8 u0 d) JDavis-Bacon Act (DBA):戴维斯―佩根法案
" R6 j; ], l+ s% U8 \& XDay-to-day-collective bargaining:日常集体谈判
5 S4 K* G7 e" j3 aDecline stage:下降阶段
# i4 B: c! _. I. |4 J' g5 EDeferred profit-sharing plan:延期利润分享计划: L+ \/ n% A0 _
Defined benefit:固定福利1 ?! s# D; ~" W9 E5 i5 D9 c
Defined contribution:固定缴款( ~8 Y/ D3 u; A! E; S* p
Department of Labor job analysis:劳工部工作分析法0 a" q& A: ~1 ?* i/ c. M- T" O
Discipline:纪律; J5 w' J: w8 `7 K
6 `3 K/ d/ O7 t5 j3 |6 ]Downsizing:精简
) t. l7 t6 K$ `# N8 n$ XE1 V9 y6 Y6 ~( `
Early retirement window:提前退休窗口! I! ]5 ^4 Z9 [2 }/ W" P
Economic strike:经济罢工1 T ~. n1 G( T5 z* e* P
Edgar Schein:艾德加•施恩
. d' \6 R: j) ^# E; Q( EEmployee compensation:职员报酬
/ l( ]( _. t+ ?& ^0 L: M/ Q; pEmployee orientation:雇员上岗引导- V% K" F* t! |5 h9 X& ?! ^
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) :雇员退休收入保障法案& f( @, }' i2 k# F
Employee services benefits:雇员服务福利
6 E, d3 s, o" [' \; K1 K N CEmployee stock ownership plan (ESOP) :雇员持股计划* N# q. P+ N6 j( T; x6 F% c. r" L0 g
Equal Pay Act:公平工资法" P& C) R! p( W! C
Establishment stage:确立阶段% u# f/ \# C- z# i# G7 M! E
Exit interviews:离职面谈- ?% ^3 f/ L C, r& s/ ^
Expectancy chart:期望图表
# Y# W& C+ I5 A: AExperimentation:实验
& Y9 S; }- e. b! A- x4 @0 X( gExploration stage:探索阶段% i' T0 D e" }# Z. x/ _
F: m" n0 v- G. X+ \" v9 w+ F/ @) Q
Fact-finder:调查$ A7 _5 q4 M' P8 I. }2 h
Fair days work:公平日工作" A/ J4 e: c) J* R# |5 t4 M
Fair Labor Standards Act:公平劳动标准法案' ?& P: h N$ J- G! g; O0 ~: w, @
Flexible benefits programs:弹性福利计划
E3 E( Y# U7 o. p$ ^' r$ CFlex place:弹性工作地点
* J6 {( K, U! BFlextime:弹性工作时间
2 E2 k6 U: z" S& U1 C, XForced distribution method:强制分布法
7 I" Y# R" }! L- m& cFour-day workweek:每周4天工作制
, y) O% N+ n) \* pFrederick Taylor:弗雷德里克•泰罗
# t9 O6 J. G+ K* Z, O" T1 GFunctional control:职能控制8 Z6 I Q" d: y1 ]
Functional job analysis:功能性工作分析法1 U6 K5 T3 i' U) i% |& c, p; U
6 e& E5 N9 F Q) M* o7 C) r' d: F% tGeneral economic conditions:一般经济状况+ y) b; w" v' q8 b) e1 Q
Golden offerings:高龄给付
) m' s6 [, U1 r/ e4 M2 s0 w8 AGood faith bargaining:真诚的谈判. f( S! F( g- u G/ T
Grade description:等级说明书
/ v8 A o# B3 R4 C# `Grades:等级' R$ t! I7 R: b( J. l
Graphic rating scale:图尺度评价法
; `6 ^9 u1 m. J1 W2 q4 J: H" O6 uGrid training:方格训练% G$ C" R3 q" n% n) s
Grievance:抱怨( ~- O: Z$ k+ |# e( Z1 B! T
Grievance procedure:抱怨程序+ F0 n6 G$ ]) {& {
Group life insurance:团体人寿保险
$ n, J @& i1 ]0 m- D$ \+ H" \Group pension plan:团体退休金计划
8 K3 W2 s& ]" @ Y: _; _; {% j: KGrowth stage:成长阶段/ d" ^7 j2 i1 P9 a* e( B0 g
Guarantee corporation:担保公司& f6 d9 P3 i9 j# |: j
Guaranteed fair treatment:有保证的公平对待
6 S1 e+ z0 r1 i y& M& J$ @+ q1 LGuaranteed piecework plan:有保障的计件工资制
4 W1 q& a; }' d! ZGain sharing:收益分享
2 e4 P! @7 ^3 x& t( h7 nH8 n, C1 t0 t; m$ C
Halo effect:晕轮效应6 I6 a7 Q' i1 u9 h7 A1 t
Health maintenance organization (HMO) :健康维持组织
+ j1 K& U1 X' ZI9 w1 U9 |) G) v8 `! w
Illegal bargaining:非法谈判项目3 A" z5 Y# ?9 P( _% l, z( g9 V
Impasse:僵持0 s) X# a) F. ~& Q9 F
Implied authority:隐含职权
0 k7 Q5 J; T: {& C# wIncentive plan:激励计划
( p/ w6 B- q$ K$ L. i; h( b3 h4 N' }Individual retirement account (IRA) :个人退休账户+ U! P; c. D) r! @$ y# ~4 M e
In-house development center:企业内部开发中心& V; v6 j l9 v( j
1 f5 `8 F7 B: bInsurance benefits:保险福利5 }5 X. `7 P; l! |* l
Interviews:谈话;面谈0 a2 N3 v! {* F% v
J! B! k4 H- H: v# i! g7 w
Job analysis:工作分析
) ^& d9 s* L) F/ b9 Y( i' oJob description:工作描述/ d4 D V/ i+ U6 `4 c
Job evaluation:职位评价
, p) Q2 P* B* R8 x" D8 bJob instruction training (JIT) :工作指导培训
1 V( g V8 Z4 T9 L* Q! @4 WJob posting:工作公告 ! r; E7 ~1 F4 b' w$ m& R$ `
Job rotation:工作轮换: J/ V" `( X1 e9 t+ p
Job sharing:工作分组
! ]- K( L5 K$ a8 r5 aJob specifications:工作说明书" A6 I2 F- J* y4 w
John Holland:约翰•霍兰德2 O4 u3 p$ o2 a9 O' p( W5 p' m
Junior board:初级董事会
4 J9 z" M6 b% d( z0 e0 U" BL
9 ?6 }0 }( r& D1 ] W7 }8 c) GLayoff:临时解雇
/ Y. q' U" E ^, N1 V [; @Leader attach training:领导者匹配训练) B$ m1 J& H. s8 V. d1 j1 ], g& `) d
Lifetime employment without guarantees:无保证终身解雇, W: N9 T7 M o
Line manager:直线管理者( m& H0 ]) D$ A8 ^. }
Local market conditions:地方劳动力市场( i* ~/ v0 e- T; v: g |9 p" u
Lockout:闭厂 |