Intellectual Capital
Authors: Edvinsson, Leifa; Sullivan, PatrickSource:European Management Journal 14(4), pp.356-364
Abstract (English): Although there has been an explosive interest in an intellectual capital and a thirst for information on how it might be managed, there has been little written to describe or define the concept. This article provides background and definition to the notion of intellectual capital and describes where and how it fits into the ‘knowledge company’. The article is written for theoreticians and practitioners alike. It is intended to provide an overview of intellectual capital, where it fits into the ‘knowledge firm’, what the component elements of it are, and what might be done to manage them. The article defines intellectual capital as well as its relationship to other elements of a knowledge company. The terms and definitions presented in this article are drawn from the experience of eight major international companies all of whom are actively managing their intellectual capital. The component elements of intellectual capital are identified, defined, and discussed. The management activities used in each of the component areas are described as are some of the techniques utilized by practitioners. Finally, there is a review of the actual practice of several major knowledge companies and how they manage their intellectual capital.
LIHUA2003 兄,谢谢你提供那么多资料,不过这和本论坛的旨意相背。我们需要在这里谈谈自己的看法和体会,而不是去把书上的东西搬抄过来。这些书籍的介绍非常好,以后能发到读书版我想就更好了。再次谢谢你
十分感谢大家的发言,感谢飘零叶的主持,感谢中人网提供了交流的机会。从大家的发言中使用权我学到了不少的知识。尤其是LIHUA2003的大力支持,太感谢 了!我补充一点,人力资本是智力资本的一部分,这一观点对否?智力资本是由人力资本、结构资本和顾客资本构成。知道了
以下是引用飘零叶在2003-5-23 8:23:01的发言LIHUA2003 兄,谢谢你提供那么多资料,不过这和本论坛的旨意相背。我们需要在这里谈谈自己的看法和体会,而不是去把书上的东西搬抄过来。这些书籍的介绍非常好,以后能发到读书版我想就更好了。