1,做完CFA后把几个项目“平均”来代表构念。这样做有什么条件吗?假设九个条目测量的是三个维度,这九个条目也可以平均吗?文中有这样一句话The items asked whether team members, as a whole: (1) welcomed change, (2)encouraged each other to try new things, even though they might not work, and (3) were willing to try creative solutions to solve difficult problems. Be-
cause team members evidenced high agreement on their ratings of these items (median rwg =.92), we averaged their responses.我想这里Rwg算的应该是每个条目不同个体的回答一致性吧,而不是同一个个体在这三个条目上的回答的一致性。 |